Celebrating James Valentine

James Valentine


James Valentine was a father, visionary naturalist, photographer, artist, poet, speaker, and filmmaker whose works have helped preserve millions of acres in the heart of wild lands through the arts and science.  He coordinated his photography with leading nature, cultural and governmental institutions throughout America.


James published fifteen large-format photography books featuring some of the best natural history fine art photographic coverage of the southeastern U.S.  He was in a production of a fine art wilderness ecosystem-based photography book depicting new scientific discoveries in the Guiana Shield, South America.


Through his pioneering photographic ecosystem research, exploration, and scientifically based documentation Valentine is considered one of the most notable photographers in America. He journeyed deep into old-growth forests, isolated marshlands, and pristine seashores with his exquisite eye for various format camera systems to develop fine art, photography books, and collections of images that celebrate both the unusual beauty of wild ecosystems as well as the urgent need to preserve them.


James founded the Quest Foundation, a non-profit 501 c3 organization, which celebrated its 50th year anniversary. Quest Foundation worked associated artist and scientist to preserve ecosystems utilizing the arts and sciences.


James Valentine’s  fine art ecosystem photography has been showcased in museums, cultural centers, and major healthcare facilities. He spent a lifetime building an exemplary collection representing ecosystems and noted cultural sites utilizing fine art large, medium, and small format photography.

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